—UGPRP (Under Gardiner Public Realm Plan) is a public and community-facing, evolving vision for change related to the Toronto landscape. Part of a larger plan to create new connectivity, by understanding local interests, opportunities, and challenges—while seeking to prioritize landscape as infrastructure and restore balance with natural systems. Ultimately created as a guide that aims to make the Under Gardiner a destination in the future of Toronto.
From February 2022 to June 2022, I worked under contract with O/B. My tasks included:
• UX/UI of the new website
• Wireframed core pages
• Designed templates for the website (responsive), with reusable blocks to be used and adjusted as needed throughout the life of this website.
• Integrated guidelines for the updated visual expression of the brand, and expanded it to create new systems online.
• Presented wireframes and designs to the client
Wireframes outline and define current and potential sections. Indications of how information can be dynamic, visually leading, and change direction depending on relevance. *User engagement through information design with appropriate visual interest is integral to engaging diverse communities within the city. If the content isn't thought out, you will lose the understanding of the collective.
Design components and templates for sections